Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Kid Icarus: Uprising, Kid Icarus Returns in 3-D

Kid Icarus, one of the most sought after franchises in Nintendo history makes its return in 3-D. Kid Icarus is back  for the Nintendo 3DS system brought to you by creator Masahiro Sakurai and his development team at Project Sora.

Kid Icarus: Uprising is going to be a fast-paced with an action-packed blend of aerial and ground-based shooting built on elegantly intuitive and streamlined play control. It boasts game play that is easy to pick up but incredibly deep, designed to satisfy novice gamers as well as fans who have been clamoring for a new installment in the franchise.

It's been a long wait, but now fans can rejoice as Nintendo's classic Kid Icarus series has returned! Some of us have had the opportunity to go hands-on with the game on a couple of occasions and can say that Kid Icarus Uprising is shaping up to be one of the 3DS's most impressive titles.

It has been rumored that the release date is going to be June 19th, but that is not for sure yet.  If anyone has any insight, or info about Kid Icarus: Uprising please leave a comment.